The First Fashion E-Commerce in Israel.
Based on the branding for this well-known fashion company, with a 150 stores located all over Israel – we needed to create a new DIGITAL brand identity.

Design Process
Based on the branding for this well-known fashion company, with a 150 stores located all over Israel – we needed to create a new DIGITAL brand identity.
Mobile Screens
as the website progresses we noticed a rise in mobile usage, and of course of mobile conversions. we needed to adjust with the times and create several ideas:
a “most wanted” slider for quick shopping of the brand’s favourite items, a long-scroll mobile homepage, quick-look mobile style.
Landing pages
created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign, these pages are designed to direct traffic to the website, and promote the related products.

The main challenge in designing e-mail marketing for a well-known company like “Castro”, is to be both easily recognised and staying within the guidelines for the newsletter to be immediately associated with the brand – while being at the same time interesting and different enough to be engaging, to be opened and clicked.
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